SpartaABC Logo
A web server to simulate sequences
based on indel parameters inferred using
an approximate Bayesian computation algorithm

Research Site | Pupko Group


Type in aligned sequence data (FASTA format only)             

or upload file (FASTA format only)                                                                                       

Sequence type:

Type in a tree (Newick format only)  

If a tree is not provided, the maximum likelihood (ML) tree will be computed from the input sequences and used with the SpartaABC algorithm.

or upload file (Newick format only)                                                                                       

MSA Program:   

(+) Advanced

Maximal INDEL Rate value to search for:     

SpartaABC examines different values of the IR parameter. The IR parameter represents the ratio of indel to substitution events.
The default value of 0.05 represents a relatively high indel rate ratio. If you suspect your input to contain many indel events, you can increase this limit up to 0.1. Please take into account that this prolongs the runtime of the algorithm.

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Your email address will be used to update you the moment the results are ready.

Job title (optional)
Enter a descriptive job title for your SpartaABC query